

Monday, November 29, 2010

Welcome to Ardoberg-Holstein

The Electorate of Ardoberg-Holstein is a principality in western Germany bordered on the west by the Gallic wasteland of San Maurice and on all other sides by a welter of insignificant German statelets. The economy is based on trade with Britain. Ardoberg-Holstein is blessed with great reserves of the secret ingredient in that staple of the British diet, Bubble & Squeak. Exports of this ingredient sustain the otherwise shakey economy.

The Electorate has been called an army with it's own state, albeit not a very good army. The Elector Fredrich Willhelm is able to maintain his oversized military with generous subsidies from his British allies. British armies campaigning in this area always include a large contingent from Ardoberg-Holstein. These campaigns are characterized by bickering between the British commander, Lord Muggles and the Elector over the exact status of the A-H contingent. Are they allies or employees? Who is in overall command, Lord Muggles or the Elector? The spectacle of the allied army shambling forward with its competing commanders issuing orders to each other is not a pretty sight. Military disaster would be assured if not for their equally incompetent opponents, the Army of San Maurice.

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